Old News
Tibshelf Carnival Success & Thanks!
(July 23, 2016)WINNERS! - We're very proud to announce we won the 'Best Float Award' at Tibshelf Carnival for the 2nd year running! Big thank you to everyone who took part, our students, staff and helpers who all made the float brighter and louder!
Mrs. Jowett and Benjamin spent months of hard work and time preparing and creating the float, and many parents gave up their free time to help to decorate it, so we're very grateful for all the help and it just goes to show that it all pays off in the end.
The school then showcased some dance routines that will feature in their October annual show to much applause and cheers, so well done to all of our students for their efforts!
You can check out photos from the day right here on the website, just click here!