Old News
(May 10, 2010)We have many events happening here at the school running right through to the end of the year and what you need to know about them can be found right here on the site!
FIRST however we would like to congratulate all of the students on the results of this year's Spring Exams. The grades have been excellent across the board and we're very pleased to say that not only have all students passed but there has been a fantastic standard set. We are extremely proud of all our our students who have worked hard to achieve well this year. Well done!
May we also add a big thank you to all of the people who made the Presentation Day on April 25th a success. We appreciate all of the support given by the relatives and friends of our students to their efforts on the day and to the pupils themselves who gave a good performance! There was also £42 raised for the Alzheimer's Charity collection that happened during the Ladies Tap routine, so thank you again for those of you who donated.
Without further ado, here are some important dates to add to your diary. These dates will also be listed on the calendar here on the site so that you can easily check what's going on and when.
Saturday, June 12th - Tibshelf Junior School Fayre
Saturday, July 3rd - Tibshelf Festival of Sport
Information on these events will be given to students taking part.
Summer School
The summer school will consist of 2 days of dance including Ballet, Freestyle, Tap and Street. There will be various dance related activities going on, a Choreography competition, Quiz and lots of fun for ALL students from school age through to the Seniors. The event will take place on Thursday, August 12th and Friday, August 13th. More details will be given soon.
Information sheets for the Summer School will be available to collect from the studio's reception from the week beginning May 17th. Place reservation for the Summer School will close on Saturday, July 17th, so make sure that if you're interested in participation that you reserve a place as soon as possible before this date.
Autumn Exams
The closing date for Examination Fees will be Saturday, October 9th. 1st choice for the Examination date will be Sunday, December 5th and the alternative dates are Saturday, December 4th and Sunday, December 11th.
Further details will be given when available.
2010 Dance Show
The closing date for Costume Money payment will be Saturday, June 12th.
The Rehearsal and Show dates are as follows:
Studio Rehearsals
Sunday, September 26th
Sunday, October 2nd
Sunday, October 9th
Sunday, October 16th
Technical and Dress Rehearsal
Sunday, October 24th
The Technical and Dress Rehearsals for the show will be held at The Pomegranate Theatre in Chesterfield and will run from 10:30am to 5:00pm.
Show Dates
This year's dates for the 2010 Dance Show are as follows:
Monday, October 25th
Tuesday, October 26th
More information will be given as soon as it is available.
Please remember to check back regularly in case of any updates of changes to the current given information.