Old News
💃 Open & Presentation Day 2017 - Thank You 🏅
(March 12, 2017)Thanks everyone for a smooth and successful Open & Presentation Day!
We hope attendants enjoyed their look into the school's routines and exam work, and are as proud as we are of all of our dancers and their achievements.
Huge thanks to all the staff, volunteer helpers and student assistants, especially for the heavy lifting! Congratulations also to our Easter Egg Raffle winners and thank you to all who bought raffle tickets - you helped the school raise £200 towards this year's dance show: 'Let It Snow' (2017)
Thank you also to Tianne Rankin for her kind donation of easter eggs that made the Open & Presentation Day raffle even bigger this year!
Finally, good luck and farewell to Miss Ellie Ogden, who leaves us after 16 years of dancing, hard work and teaching assistance to go to university - we will miss you!