Old News
🎄 Christmas Jumper/Clothing Week 2016 🎄
(November 22, 2016)Christmas is coming! As we're not holding a Christmas Disco this year, we will instead be having a week of Christmas clothing! For only £1 students can come in for classes for the whole week wearing Christmas jumpers and tops etc. (we recommend wearing these over leotards/uniform in case any students get too hot or uncomfortable during class and need to take anything off!)
This will run from Monday, 5th of December through to Saturday, 10th of December. Just bring in your £1 to Reception when you attend your first class in that week and have fun!
We'll also be holding our Christmas Hamper Raffle again this year. Tickets for this should be available from Reception soon. All proceeds from both these events go directly to funding next year's show!
Thank you for supporting the school! :)